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crystal morphology中文是什么意思

用"crystal morphology"造句"crystal morphology"怎么读"crystal morphology" in a sentence


  • 晶体结构
  • 晶体形态学
  • 形态结晶学


  • Correlation between wax crystal morphology and crude rheology
  • Crystal morphology and interfacial orientation relationship of cvd diamond
  • By precisely controlling the rates of cooling and heating , ice crystal morphology can be intimately controlled and investigated
  • Crystal morphology and growth mechanism of sphalerite crystallites were studied by formulating the mathematical model and calculating the stability energy of the growth units on the basis of the theoretical model that the growth units are polyhedral structure of coordinative anions
  • The scanning electron micrographs and the data of pore structure of gypsum and gypsum with the retarders also make us known the influence of retarders on the crystal morphology and pore structure , from which transformation of microstructure induced by retarders and the reason of which makes the strength drop a re analyzed . combined with the xps spectrum , the mechanism of action with the retarders are finally proposed
  • Different from many kinds of crystal morphologies of cac2o4 formed in bulk aqueous solution , uric acid template prohibited the formation of cot , but promoted the orientation growth of ( 020 ) face of com and ( 100 ) face of cod . while the mixture of citrate and uric acid obviously inhabited crystal growth of cot , cod and orientation growth on ( 020 ) face of com . cac2o4 crystallized on the ca2 + - rich ( 101 ) axis of com
    结果表明,纯水体系中形成了沿多个晶面生长的多种晶型的草酸钙水合物,尿酸模板抑制了cot的生成,但明显促进了com的( 020 )面及cod ( 100 )面的生长,而柠檬酸与尿酸的混合模板则抑制了cot 、 cod的生长以及com沿( 020 )面的生长,使caczo4几乎都沿com的( i01 )面生长。
  • Soft - templates have particular characterizations . first , they have absolute advantage in simulating the progress of biomineralization since they were composed mainly by amphiphathic molecules ; second , the shape of soft - templates were versatile ; third , soft - templates were easy to construct and complex equipments were not needed . though soft - templates were not always controlled the crystal morphology and size strictly , they draw people ' s atte ntion by their characterization mentioned above
    软模板的主要特点有: ( 1 )由于软模板大多是两亲分子形成的有序聚集体,它们的最大的特点是在模拟生物矿化方面有绝对的优势; ( 2 )软模板的形状具有多样性; ( 3 )软模板一般都很容易构筑,不需要复杂的设备。
用"crystal morphology"造句  


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